Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where are the Monkey Bars?

You know, this would be a lot more interesting if I posted photos.

Maybe I should finish a project…but at least there are works in progress. It’s a little weird to just make stuff. Good weird, but I feel a small amount of guilt for this “indulgence.” Still, it’s been good for me. When I’m working on something, my mind is mainly focused on that very moment. No random worries about what I don’t have or the “What if….?”

I used a lot of time and energy feeling afraid, worried, anxious, doubtful, regretful. Had I channeled that into something creative, dang…I’d have a warehouse full of homemade crap!

It’s a tug-o-war between my mind-is-everywhere-but-in-the-now-and-by-the-way-can-I-think-of-anything-else-to-worry-about? and my creative side. The former is a bully with low self-esteem, hell-bent on dragging everyone down, and the latter is a kid who lives for recess. I haven’t stood up for that kid in years.

Funny thing, though, this kid. He bears no grudges. Probably because he doesn’t dwell on the past. When I finally stepped out to play, he ran up to me and grabbed my hands, pulling me out to the playground. He’s trying to coax me to swing higher, but I’m still holding back until I get used to this feeling of weightlessness. How long before I get enough momentum to swing up and over?


Pam McKnight said...

I just discovered your blog looking for some inspiration and wow, this post could have been written by me!Keep up the good work.
here is the link to my blog:

Mokihana said...

Awesome post! I love it... no ka 'oi!