My dirty little secret? I have a lot of stuff. All for the sake of some project that has yet to hatch.
As I read through various blogs and listen to podcasts, it’s comforting to know that there isn’t anything wrong with me- this is just the way of the crafter. Publications like this and this not only confirm this, but show me there are a lot more people out there with way more stuff than I! I find solace in my crafting brethren. I find I am not alone in my collecting of all materials and objects of this world. I find I am not alone in collecting ribbons off candy boxes, buttons off old and worn clothes, keys that no longer open doors. Low tide leaves exposed, treasures that others would see as nothing more than beach glass and rocks – Look! This rock has a hole in it that you can peep through! This one is heart shaped! This one has some flecks of some shiny stuff in it- nature’s glitter! wooooo. I have a jar of acorn caps, a box of very old photos of people I never knew, and hoarded glitter. IKEA and recycled food jars help keep things in their place. When I saw a brief tour of Aaron Spelling’s mansion, my only thought was, “Wow…he almost has enough room there so that I could devote each room to one craft subject!”
The drive to make stuff invades all aspects of my life. Like spilt glitter on shag carpet, it will always be there, sticking to everything. Ideas are triggered at every turn. They change and evolve with the seasons.
With the weather so warm this spring, I had already started my garden a few weeks ago. This year, amongst the edibles, I’ve planted gourds. Why? so I can have more of this in my home
Oh wait. That was the before.
Here’s a prettier after:
I know. Gross, huh?
That was my first foray into drying gourds and I love the end result. While not expensive to buy, a whole packet of seeds costs the same as one gourd and I need more. There’s also the joy of growing things and harvesting. Inner gnome is pleased.
And what do I plan to do with a collection of dried gourds? Fairy houses! Instead of a traditional Christmas village, I’m thinking about a fairy village. Seen some really incredible gourd art and it would lend itself nicely to being converted to houses. It would be…gourd-geous!
Also in the garden this year: several varieties of lavender. I want to make those ribbon-woven lavender thingamajigs. Love the smell of lavender when in it’s natural state. So far, all lotions I’ve found have an underlying patchouli scent, which I dislike very much.
Thinking of planting a small garden of dyeing plants, too. Oh- and last week, I saw a papyrus plant and I think I may get a few. I’d like to try and make paper.
I know a woman who does cross-stitch. Nothing else. Just that one craft and she’s been doing it for years and years. For people who have the capability to focus on one craft and do it exceptionally well, hats off to you! I’ve tried it and failed. I became like the kid in school who is constantly looking out the window to watch birds bathe in a pool of water or autumn leaves caught up in a swirling column of wind. Ants in the pants. I have crafting ants in my pants. And they are covered in glitter and wool.
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